About Us

About Us

The Florida Industrial and Phosphate Research Institute (FIPR Institute) has its origin as the Florida Institute of Phosphate Research (FIPR), which was created in 1978 as a research institute to study phosphate issues that impact Florida’s citizens, environment and economy and to be a phosphate information resource. In 2010, legislation broadened the Institute’s capabilities globally and to non-phosphate topics such as energy, and the mining and processing of minerals other than phosphate. In 2012, the FIPR Institute legislatively became part of Florida Polytechnic University.

The FIPR Institute’s Phosphate Research and Activities Board consists of two phosphate industry representatives and one representative of an environmental organization all of whom are appointed by the Governor of Florida; a regulatory representative appointed by the Secretary of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, and the President of Florida Polytechnic University.

Through its long history the FIPR Institute has gained a reputation as a leader in research and knowledge related to phosphate mining and fertilizer production activities. It has published hundreds of research reports on a myriad of topics in the field. As such, the expanded mission of the Institute leverages this expertise to offer its research capabilities globally on phosphate issues and similar issues in other industries. Those efforts not directly relating to the phosphate industry in Florida or the citizens impacted by it, however, must be funded through grants and other sources. Phosphate Research Trust Fund monies may not be used for non-phosphate research.