Pipeline and Pump Evaluation and Selection Program (PAPES). Program Manual. Issue Version 1


This manual is your personal guide as you learn and use the Pipeline and Pump Evaluation and Selection Program PAPES. Your manual contains three sections: Getting Started, Understanding PAPES, and Using PAPES. PAPES is a program that will aid in your design of a phosphate matrix slurry pumping system. You supply the operating conditions, and PAPES will tell you what pumping system will suit your needs. Furthermore, PAPES can help you evaluate your existing pumping system and predict pipeline pressures under different startup conditions.

PAPES is a program that will aid in your design of a phosphate matrix slurry pumping system. You supply the operating conditions, and PAPES will tell you what pumping system will suit your needs. Furthermore, PAPES can help you evaluate your existing pumping system and predict pipeline pressures under different startup conditions.

GIW Testing Laboratory. September 1989.